Make your Android Operating Fast : Android Tips
Android is definitely a wonderful invention in the era of modern technology. When it was launched first time in market, it was having a very tough competition with other OS phones e.g iPhone, Symbian, windows etc. But today Android had beaten them up and left far behind in the race of success. Android has made a history of a very big explode in very small time. This explode is of its popularity. Today every big company e.g Sony Ericson, Samsung, Htc, Micromax etc are launching new phones within a week loaded with Android OS.
Also as android is an open source that’s why it is very popular amongst the users as they can easily customize and upgrade their phones. As android is an open source, that’s why many 3rd party updates are available that are made by some developers using android source. These updates are known as custom roms that are fully loaded with features.
Many phones and tabs that are launched in market these days are loaded with android OS. Android phones are fully compatible with features like 3g, WiFi, Bluetooth, camera primary and secondary both and many more features. The best part is a user can download apps for free and also paid apps from Google Play (Android Market) having about millions of apps there.
I will give you some basic tips to make your android phone work better and faster.
1. Don’t use task killers very frequently:
Do not use task killers very frequently to close all opened apps at a time, only close unwanted apps which are not needed at that time to save battery like games and useless apps. Never force close system apps like gtalk, gmail, gallery, etc because it can harm your phone and your phone will hang whenever you open those apps once again, The system apps needs to be loaded in Ram to work, so if you force close those apps, it will be first loaded into Ram and will take a lot of time to open. So never force close system apps and keep those apps open which you use very frequently.
2. Avoid antivirus to install on your Phone:
Every android user have different antivirus in there phone to prevent their phone from virus attack but you will be shocked after knowing that antivirus applications always make your phone lag by peeking into every task you perform on your phone. If it is really necessary for you to use an antivirus on your android device as you feel you are having very often virus attacks, then minimize the priority of antivirus. By doing this it will save your phone with virus but will not cause lag to your phone.
3. Do not install non-market apps:
Android is not strict like iTunes, android market accepts all apps which are spam free and are not malicious. Whenever a new app is submitted to market first it is scanned and checked if it contains virus or any other malwares, if it passed the tests only then they are published in market. So never install the non-market apps as it may contain virus, spam and malwares which can harm your android devices.
4. Turn off Gps:
Turn off your gps connection when you are not using it. Gps is a high priority process that needs a lot of Ram and memory to run. Also it ruins a lot of battery. Shutting down your gps will not only boost android device performance, but it will also increase the battery backup of your phone.
5. Turn off window animation:
Turning off animations on your android phone or atleast limit them to minimum animations will also make your phone to work fast. Animations for every move on your android phone use more ram.
6. Do not use live wallpaper:
This is very important thing to keep in mind, that using live wallpapers decreases the performance of your android device. It always take a much time to respond if we compare it with simple wallpaper.
7. Limit widgets and app shortcuts:
Do not fill your home screen with unwanted widgets and more app shortcuts. This will take a lot of time to load those apps on start up and thus your phone will boot slowly.
8. Update applications whenever update available:
Whenever there comes a new update for applications installed on your phone, then don’t hesitate to update them, as the updated version comes with a lot of improvements. So it can help a little to stop lag in your phone.
9. Update Firmware whenever update available:
Be sure that you update your phone firmware if its update is available, as firmware updates are having a lots of improvements, tweaks which are really helpful in increasing the performance of your phone.
10. Root your phone:
This is not necessary that you root your phone compulsory, its optional and it you may loose your warranty after rooting but you can easily get it back after unrooting. Basically, rooting gives a user superuser access. Means he can easily make changes in system files according to him to improve phone performance. Also many apps are there which only works when your phone is rooted e.g SetCPU, used to overclock CPU, Recovery manager, used to install custom recovery, Adfree used to delete ads from free version of apps. So basically rooting will increase the performance of your phone.
If you have more tips to increase android performance please feel free to post them as a comment below.
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