Comparison of Blogger Vs Wordpress, Who is the winner?

April 15, 2012
Comparison of Blogger Vs Wordpress, Who is the winner? - Blogging is now one of the activities that must be done every day for some people, especially for people who often interact with the internet. The blogger's motivation for blogging is also diverse, from just wanting to make the blog a personal diary to share life experiences, as a medium to share ideas with everyone as a medium of profit-making money, for the last yan is not uncommon bloggers make income from blogs as the main livelihood.

Talking about blogs will surely offend the blog platform what will be in use. For now there are several blog platforms that you can use for free, but among the various platforms there are 2 of the most famous of blogspot from google or commonly called with blogger and wordpress . Both of these blog platforms are now ranked top most favorite blog platforms in use, in addition to a variety of ease as well as the number of free blog templates available.

Usually the choice of the first blog platform in use by a blogger will be his favorite platform for a long time, unless the person finds a significant obstacle one day. At first the author uses blogspot to learn blogging but on the development of the needs of authors can not be in accommodation by a single blog platform, what exactly is the advantages and advantages of blogspot and wordpress ? And who is the best? For that reason we discuss the comparison of blogger vs wordpress below: 


Blogspot : Currently blogspot already has a new dashboard view, the authors feel the new dashboard is easier to use and more responsive because it has been using AJAX technology, but to be able to enjoy this new dashboard javascrip on the browser must be active

Wordpress : The dashboard display used by wordpress has not undergone a lot of changes which means it is as easy as it is for users because it does not have to adapt to the new dashboard

Themes Customization

  • Blogspot : To beautify the blog look of many bloggers who change the look with their own designs or from templates available on the internet, for those of you who have more ability in the programming website blogger template can be changed in such a way up to the roots.
  • Wordpress : WordPress blogs can only be changed if you use self hosting wordpress hosted on your own server, if ana just use free service from wordpress you will only get some standard templates that you can use.

Import article

Blogspot : Blogspot can only import articles from other blogs that both use blogspot.
Wordpress : To import wordperss better articles, you can move and copy your articles from other WordPress, typepad, yahoo 360, Tumblr or blogger.

Image Storage

Blogspot : Storage of images provided by blogspot in one account is 1GB, blogger also do not have a special dashboard to see what files you have uploaded earlier, you may find it a little difficult to find your old pictures or pictures.
WordPress : For the WordPress storage business provides up to 3GB of space, and on the wordpress dashboard has also provided a look-up for your old picture-shots that you've uploaded.

Post By Email 

Blogspot and WordPress have been able to receive posts sent via email to display directly on the blog, this feature allows you if your blog has a freelance writer besides you. 


Blogspot : For advertising-advertising business in addition to your search blogger easier to use because of the blogger factor that is a subsidiary of google so you can easily install ads from adsense on your blog, where you will be paid every one who clicks on ads contained in the blog you, this may be your side business
Wordpress : The policy of wordpress to prohibit advertising in every account created may be a bit difficult for you in this case. To be able to advertise on your own blog can use wordpress danda self hosting.


Thus some explanation of blog comparison between wordpress with blogspot that you must know before creating blog. If you look further there are advantages and disadvantages of each blog platform, therefore maybe we can not say who is the best, but it is more appropriate if we choose according to the need, if you want a blog that can be changed templatenya easily and looking for additional income through advertising you can use blogspot . 

For those of you who want ease of use maybe you can use wordpress.
Especially for those of you who have more ability in terms of website programming WordPress may be hosting your own can be an alternative choice because it has advantages that are not owned by both platforms above blog. 

For the next, do not hesitate to try, and direct practice, because with practice you will feel yourself the advantages and disadvantages of blog platform above and can you customize to your needs, read the article How to create a blog on blogspot for tutorials to create blogs on blogger. 
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