Opera Mobile 9.7
Opera Mobile 9.7 is designed to produce high-quality performance when browsing the Internet access speed is low. Images on the website can be directly stored with the facilities provided by this browser. Internet users in the mobile browser may already know this. This is because the browser is already used more than 125 million phones since 2004. And now Opera released the latest version again, the Opera Mobile 9.7 which is a continuation of the version of Opera 9.5.
Opera Mobile 9.7 you can download for free, but still limited beta version. More than that, Opera Mobile 9.7 works well when trying to use your Samsung SGH-i780. The added capabilities include quality improvement, such as the new rendering engine with increased speed 100/100 on Acid 3 test, and already support Opera Widgets, Widget Manager, and also Opera Turbo. Opera Turbo allow time for high-speed browsing on low-speed Internet access through the compression of pages up to 80 percent. In addition, Opera Mobile 9.7 also adds several other interesting features, such as text selection on / off, drag, and copy and paste feature.
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